Helen                   Chairperson, Foundation Trustee

Is the inspiration behind the project, she has written all documentation done much research, enthused and trained volunteers, ensured national good practice criteria are met to the best possible standard for a small organisation and submitted two successful grant bids to Wiltshire Council’s Health and Wellbeing Committee and the Area Board. As chairperson she is the public face of our organisation.

Helen’s history is in education. She taught and lectured in Gloucestershire for many years. Later taught at Kingdown School for 15 years, where she was responsible for introducing vocational courses across the curriculum for 14 to 19 year olds, developing and teaching Advanced level Textiles and Health and Social care. She then moved on to Wiltshire Council for 10 years, co-ordinating and delivering education and support to children and young people unable to attend their schools for medical reasons.

Helen has lived locally for over 25 years and been actively involved with the spiritual life of her church over that time. She is now retired.

Helen’s vision

Is to develop high quality provision where there is a gap in services locally. To encourage joined up thinking between providers, making the most of what assets we all have in a thoughtful and planned manner. This involves developing a new system of communication between agencies. (Wellspring will never be a replacement for professional services in any way and will never have that level of responsibility, skill or resources. It is a voluntary service)!

The Wellspring vision is to enhance people’s lives by providing self-help opportunities and a chance to escape the drudgeries of life for a few hours each week. Helen’s vision is to bring a smile into people’s lives. If the numbers of people attending prove the need she anticipates expanding the hours available.

Bob            Treasurer, Foundation Trustee

As our Treasurer Bob has set up the necessary bank account with multiple signatories. He is responsible for publishing the accounts accurately and having them independently audited. At the end of each academic year “July”, Bob is responsible for publishing our accounts on this website. As we are benefiting from grants funded by tax payers through Wiltshire Council, we feel it essential to have our finances available for the tax payers to see.

Bob has a history in the manufacturing sector mainly based in Devon and moved to Warminster 3 years ago. His experience extends from shop floor construction, through procurement, to management, where he was responsible for the effective and efficient use of large budgets; he was instrumental in helping the small firms (in the electronic and electrical sector) he worked for to flourish and grow. He has previously been the treasurer of a large work related social club.

Bob is now retired and active on the maintenance committee at his church where he thoroughly enjoys all the challenges and pleasures of working in a small enthusiastic team on old buildings. He is currently completely refurbishing the new home he plans to move into with his wife soon.

Bob’s vision

Is to help people enjoy their lives more, especially those who find themselves living alone through a twist of fate they have little or no choice in. He wants to reduce people’s sense of being alone in the world, even when they may not be totally alone. To take away the emptiness of being lonely for many people would be a joy to him. He will make you smile!

Bernice   Multi Agency Liaison, Foundation Trustee

Is an essential member of our team. She brings a diverse knowledge and network of people, in many varied agencies from the statutory and voluntary sectors. This access to the right person at the right time has been fundamental to our efficiency in growing from concept to delivery in 10 months.

Bernice is the Wiltshire Council’s Carers Champion and she works closely with local charities and the NHS. She sits on boards  attends meetings as necessary to support organisations in the wellbeing sector locally.

Currently Bernice volunteers at Cornerstones and has done since it started. She is also responsible for compiling and submitting grant bids as required by her church development plan. She is a member of the WI and has volunteered at Al Anon in the past.

Bernice has lived locally for many years and has had a range of office jobs for a variety of statutory services including Wiltshire Council, the MOD and the Gas Board. She has also gained considerable experience in the hospitality sector.

Bernice’s vision

Is to see Carers and in some cases their partners as well, who may have limited freedom getting out and about, have somewhere safe and enjoyable to go, where their issues will be quietly understood and catered for in a peaceful and caring manner. Through distraction and being able to leave life’s challenges outside the door and ignore them if possible for a few hours, normalising life’s experience for them in friendly surroundings. This access may also apply to those they care for in certain circumstances.

She also has a big long term vision: For Wellspring to grow into its own premises and provide a hub for a range of services which provide a team around the adult.

Jane        Procurement and kitchen co-ordinator,                                            FoundationTrustee

Jane is the practical member of our Foundation Trustee team. She is the one who makes all our plans come together and work in practice, collecting donated resources from organisations and individuals alike. She also runs our lunch and afternoon tea’s, provides leaflets and posters for organisations and members of the public. Jane is who will make it all happen on the day. She needs an assistant, could that be you?

She is a volunteer at Foodbank and sees the value of what Wellspring offers as the next step in voluntary services for people who may be in need. She also caters for the homeless in Bath at the Nexus Centre occasionally. Jane was part of the initial support team as Cornerstone went through its early stages of planning and development.

Jane has lived locally for most of her life, and as a farmer’s wife says that she never wants to retire.

Jane’s vision

Is of a seamless service circling around the person in need.

  • From Foodbank (to get over the crisis of not being able to feed your family properly eg; redundancy, bereavement, family breakdown, retirement on a low income, disability).
  • To Cornerstone (for vital financial and housing guidance as well as an understanding ear and a cup of tea).
  • Then Wellspring (to improve people’s resilience, ability and willingness to cope with their situation, by providing them with a chance to forget their issues, enjoy themselves and experience physical warmth when heating their home is an issue, as well as friendly warmth)

Renewal of Trustee roles

  • Helen, Bob, Bernice and Jane will hold their Trustee posts until our first AGM when applications will be invited from other trustees who will be encouraged to stand for election.

Foundation trustees can be reached through.

We need more Trustees, could this be you?

  • After reading about our Foundation Trustees we hope you will see us as a balanced team of committed people with the expertise and experience and vision to make this project work well.
  • Do you think Wellspring could provide you with the purpose, interest or motivation you currently lack in life?
  • If you are interested in becoming a trustee read our “Vacancies” page.

Being a good friend in your community

  • Do you think Wellspring could be the perfect outlet for someone in your community or family? Are they living in Warminster or its surrounding villages?
  • Do you want to know how to help and empower that person? Read our page on “Being a good friend”.